Why You Need More SPF On Flight Than Usual?

1. Increased UV radiation

The windows on airplanes do not provide adequate protection against these harmful rays; therefore, applying more SPF protects your skin from potential injury.

2. Window reflection

Even if you are not seated directly in front of a window, reflected sunlight can still reach your skin, necessitating the application of additional SPF.

3. Longer exposure time

Flights, particularly long-haul flights, can last several hours, resulting in protracted exposure to UV radiation.

4. Dehydration

Airplane cabins typically have low humidity levels, which can cause dehydration of the epidermis. Dry skin is more vulnerable to UV damage.

5. Skin sensitivity

The combination of higher altitude, dry air, and cabin pressure can increase the sensitivity of the epidermis. Increased SPF can provide additional protection.


To ensure adequate protection, choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF classification (typically SPF 30 or higher) and liberally apply it.


Additionally, wearing protective apparel such as long sleeves, hats, and sunglasses can further reduce UV exposure and assist in maintaining healthy skin while airborne.